SFY Response to Uvalde, Texas School Shooting

Statement of Strategies for Youth on the Response of Law Enforcement in the Uvalde, Texas School Shooting

SFY Opposes DHS Involvement in Schools

A policy platform for the Biden/Harris administration from the National Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Coalition.

Preparing and Sharing Student Incident Reports and Other Student Information With The Boston Police Department

A statement from Lisa H. Thurau, on behalf of Strategies for Youth regarding Boston Public School Policy.

Amidst Call for Police Reform, What about Police in Schools?

Strategies For Youth joined the Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee and Citizens for Juvenile Justice in calling for the full implementation of the Criminal Justice Reform Act of 2018 to make school districts and law enforcement more accountable to the students they serve.

MA Law Enforcement Not Using Best Practices When Working with Youth

Strategies for Youth issued a statement criticizing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for not insuring police are guided by best practices and policies for working with youth and called for change, particularly in how law enforcement interacts with youth of color.

Act 4 JJ Opposition to OJJDP COVID-19 Guidance for State Juvenile Facilities

Strategies for Youth is a signatory on this Act 4 Juvenile Justice Coalition letter to the Senate and House leadership expressing deep opposition to the COVID-19 guidance for State Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facilities recently issued by Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Justice Roundtable Coalition Letter to Congress Urging COVID-19 Protections for the Incarcerated

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals incarcerated in and working at U.S. prisons, jails, and detention centers face a public health crisis due to existing unsanitary and overcrowded conditions of confinement. Strategies for Youth is a signatory on this coalition letter to Congress urging provisions in the COVID-19 response package to protect, release, and support reentry of incarcerated people.

Act 4 JJ Urging FY2021 Appropriations for JJDP

Strategies for Youth is a signatory on this Act 4 Juvenile Justice Coalition letter to Attorney General Barr urging his support to fully fund juvenile justice and deliquency prevention programs for fiscal year 2021.

MA Bills S.900/H.1386 Revise Expungement Criteria

Strategies for Youth endorses testimony by the MA Coalition for Juvenile Justice Reform in support of MA S.900/H.1386, which would revise the eligibility criteria for expungement of criminal records.

NJJDPC Vision for Youth Justice in 2020

Strategies for Youth joins cosigners from the National Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Coalition to present a juvenile justice policy platform to the 2020 presidential candidates.