Tools for Law Enforcement

"How To…"

SFY’s “How to…” at-a-glance sheets recommend best practices for developmentally appropriate, trauma-informed, racially equitable approaches to police/youth interactions. Our “How to…” sheets cover topics such as handcuffing youth, providing age-appropriate Miranda warnings, understanding truancy, recognizing sexually exploited youth and more.

Read the Flyers »

Think About It First! Cards

Our Think About it First! cards are tools for officers to use to explain the risks of arrest and court involvement on youths’ futures. Created to be used for “teachable moments,” the cards are customized to reflect the state laws in which they are being used. The cards are the size of a standard business card.

See the cards and learn which states already use them »

IN THe Presence of Children

SFY has developed a suite of tools for law enforcement departments to use to help improve the treatment of children during a parent’s arrest. We call them In the Presence of Children tools. They include booking room posters, leave behinds, a protocol checklist, and a guide for anticipating a children’s reactions. Several of these tools are available in Spanish as well as English.

Learn More »

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Join Us on Tues., Sept. 24th at 6pm

for a conversation led by youth: Law Enforcement, Transparency & Accountability with author Edwin Raymond and SFY.

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