Law Enforcement Endorsements

California Association of Administration of Justice Educators logo

California Association of Administration of Justice Educators (CAAJE)

As the President of CAAJE, I want to commend the efforts of Strategies for Youth in helping law enforcement to become more developmentally competent when dealing with youth in their interactions.

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Mike Grabowski, President, CAAJE

Boston Centers for Youth and FamiliesIndianapolis Metropolitan Police Department

Two Indianapolis businessmen provided funding to replicate Juvenile Justice Jeopardy. They recognized that this game does what schools use to do, and then some. Our youth are rarely taught how to interact with police officers. This game, by simply teaching them how to behave and warning of consequences associated with their behavior, has been helpful in changing young people’s views of police interaction. This game has truly proven to be a Godsend for us.

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Richard A. Hite, Chief of Police

Lafayette (IN) Police Department

Policing the Teen Brain has been the best training that I’ve been to for a long time. It has not only been put to use at work, it’s been invaluable when dealing with my own kids.” I have heard this from almost all of the Lafayette Police Officers that have gone through Policing the Teen Brain [training].

Kurt Wolf, Captain

Los Angeles Police Department

In addition to training officers, SFY’s approach connects officers with community based organizations that serve the youth. This makes officers realize there are alternatives to arrest and there are places in even most challenged communities that are safe havens for youth. When community leaders and police offer talk sense together with some of our city’s most vulnerable youth, the outcomes for public safety improve dramatically.

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Charlie Beck, Chief of Police

Robert F. Green, Deputy Chief Commanding Officer, Operations-South Bureau

MBTA Transit Police Department, Boston, MA

We had a zero tolerance policy that led to arrests of over 650 youth in 1999; 10 years later, our annual arrests were down to 74. That’s because our Officers had never been trained to work with youth. The training occurred 10 years ago but it impacts us to this day because it changed how we think about working with youth.

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Michelle Brooks

Youth Worker, Anthony D. Perkins Community Center, Boston Centers for Youth and Families

Milwaukee (WI) Police Department

Unfortunately, Milwaukee is a city where children are often exposed to violence, Strategies for Youth helped us address the negative impact of family violence by providing materials that officers can use to connect with kids and make police interventions less traumatic. Your Materials are unique and do not currently exist in the police repertoire.

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Kenneth Green

MBTA Chief of Police

San Diego County Office of Education

San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE)

I wanted to write and thank you for the excellent two day training you provided on Policing the Teen Brain in Schools and Communities in San Marcos (San Diego County), October 27 – 28 2011. I received only very positive comments from my colleagues that attended. In fact, one of the school districts already called me to see if we can arrange to have the training established for all their school safety personnel.

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Anthony Ceja, MSW

School Safety Coordinator, SDCOE

Tippecanoe County (IN) Youth Services

In Tippecanoe County, Indiana, we have witnessed a 31.7% decrease in total resisting law enforcement, disorderly conduct and battery against law enforcement charges from 2013 to 2015. The only thing that has changed during this time frame was the implementation of Policing the Teen Brain and Juvenile Justice Jeopardy in our community. These strategies impact how law enforcement approaches youth (Policing the Teen Brain) and how youth approach law enforcement (Juvenile Justice Jeopardy).

Rebecca Humphrey

Youth Services Executive Director and Tippecanoe County JDAI/DMC Coordinator

Virginia Beach (VA) Police Department

In addition to the training, SFY helped us structure stronger relationships with youth serving community based organizations. Our officers were inspired and actually developed an app for officers’ phones which provides immediate information on program services for youth that can be used in lieu of sending youth to court—for services they are unlikely to get in the juvenile justice system. We’ve also rewritten our police procedure to reflect 21st century approaches premised on evidence-based research.

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James A Cervera

Chief of Police

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