Think About It First! Cards

“It’s a real wake up moment for some kids,” says one Massachusetts officer. “It helps them connect the dots between their behavior and the consequences.”

What are Think About It First! cards?

Our Think About It First! cards were created to educate youth about the potential legal consequences of arrest and involvement in the juvenile justice system. The cards provide youth with a summary of laws regarding distribution of juvenile arrest and court records.

Which States Already Have Think About It First! Cards?

Interested in using Think About It First! Card in Your State?

Contact us for more information at 617.714.3789 or email us at

If you live in one of the states that already has a Think About It First! card, let us know the quantity you would like and we can provide you with a cost for reprinting and shipping.

Developing a New Card
Contact us for a quote for developing the card and printing a new card for your state.

Why Should Youth Serving Organizations Use Them?

  • Think About It First! cards can help equip youth with knowledge that could prevent them from entering the juvenile justice system.
  • Many youth are unaware of the devastating collateral consequences of arrest and court involvement.
  • Think About It First! cards are an easy, non-confrontational way for community leaders, parents, educators and others to warn youth about these consequences.

Why Should Police Use Them?

  • The cards provide officers an icebreaker during interactions with youth. When officers are called to intervene in a situation, they can discuss the short and long term consequences of youth’s behaviors.
  • In non-incident contexts, the cards provide officers a way of opening a conversation with youth.
  • SFY has found that once youth are given these business-sized cards, they often keep them for a very long time and refer to them often.

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